Jowei Chen
Jowei Chen
Associate Professor,
Department of Political Science,
University of Michigan


Washington Post: "The next front in the gerrymandering wars: Which people get counted?" (February 24, 2021)

Time Magazine: "Wisconsin Is Misusing My Research to Defend Gerrymandering." (October 2, 2017)

New York Times: "Don't Blame the Maps" (January 24, 2014)


Voter Partisanship and the Effect of Distributive Spending on Political Participation

The Effect of Electoral Geography on Pork Barreling in Bicameral Legislatures.

The Law of k/n: The Effect of Chamber Size on Government Spending in Bicameral Legislatures. (with Neil Malhotra)

Unintentional Gerrymandering: Political Geography and Electoral Bias in Legislatures (with Jonathan Rodden)

Federal Employee Unionization and Presidential Control of the Bureaucracy: Estimating and Explaining Ideological Change in Executive Agencies. (with Tim Johnson)

Senate Gate-Keeping, Presidential Staffing of "Inferior Offices" and the Ideological Composition of Appointments to the Public Bureaucracy. (with Adam Bonica and Tim Johnson)

Participation Without Representation?
Senior Opinion, Legislative Behavior, and Federal Health Reform. (With Katharine Bradley)

Cutting through the Thicket:
Redistricting Simulations and the Detection of Partisan Gerrymanders. (With Jonathan Rodden)

The Geographic Targeting of Pork Barrel Earmarks in Bicameral Legislatures.

Revise and Resubmit, State Politics and Policy Quarterly.

Evaluating Partisan Gains from Congressional Gerrymandering:
Using Computer Simulations to Estimate the Effect of Gerrymandering in the U.S. House. (With David Cottrell)

Electoral Studies, Vol. 44, No. 4: 329-340.
Replication Data, Code, and Simulated Districting Maps

The Impact of Political Geography on Wisconsin Redistricting:
An Analysis of Wisconsin's Act 43 Assembly Districting Plan.

The Race-Blind Future of Voting Rights (with Nicholas Stephanopoulos)

Gerrymandered by Definition: The Distortion of 'Traditional' Districting Principles and a Proposal for an Empirical Redefinition. (Yunsieg Kim and Jowei Chen)

Democracy's Denominator. (with Nicholas Stephanopoulos)